I am reading a fascinating book I’d like to share with all of you. It is called Breaking the Age Code, by Becca Levy, PhD. Here is the link:
It may change many of your beliefs and concepts about aging and growing older. It is chock full of her 10 years of research and data about how your beliefs about aging determine how long and well you will live! According to the author, many of the health problems formerly considered to be entirely due to the aging process such as memory loss, hearing decline, and even cardiovascular events are instead influenced by the negative age beliefs that dominate the United States. We score very poorly in this country when it comes to ageism! In Japan, where age is celebrated and revered, the data is totally different.
She proves over and over again that the mind-body connection dictates for each one of us how we will age, and just how drastically we are influenced by the culture that surrounds us. If you have a positive view on again, you will live 7+ years longer than a person with negative beliefs.
So, what are your beliefs about aging? Are the first five words you think of when you hear the word “aging” or “old” negative? Do they include any positive words? We may not be able to change our ageist culture, but let’s be the change we want to see. My goal is to pay close attention to the way my inner voice speaks to me and work on positive affirmations about aging well and aging successfully. Let me know if I can help in any way.
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