
Star Bradbury has extensive experience in both public speaking, presentations, and workshops. She is known for her ability to connect with her audience, however diverse in age or background. Attendees will be able to immediately apply practical useful information for themselves and their loved ones. Workshops can be tailored for time available, but none are less than one hour. While in person workshops are ideal, some of these workshops could be offered as online events. If you are interested in Star offering any of these workshops, contact her directly about fees and her availability.



The Secret of Successful Aging

Two Hours

Most people dream of the life they’ll live when they retire. But what about when things don’t go as planned? There are some critical questions that every person over 50 must ask to help them prepare for the future, whether things go as desired or not.  A framework will be provided that will guide them to start building a solid plan with enough flexibility to meet any health or lifestyle challenges the future may bring.

This engaging, interactive presentation will inspire and educate every attendee to look at their own lives and evaluate their plan (or make one they haven’t yet).  They will walk away with a clear strategy, eager and prepared to take action today so they can set themselves up to age successfully.



Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years

Two Hours

Most adult children accept the inevitable: that they will one day need to help their parents face health and lifestyle challenges. Yet most families are ill prepared for dealing with the likely medical, financial, and long-term care consequences. In this presentation, Star will guide future and current caretakers and decision makers through the crucial knowledge they need to wisely handle any crisis their parents may encounter or create.

As an Aging Life Care Specialist with 25 years’ experience in senior living and senior healthcare, Star has helped thousands of families and watched the calmness when everyone was prepared and the panic, frustration, overwhelm and stress when they were not.

She will teach the principles from her book, Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years, to give attendees a framework they can use for loved ones I their 60’s or their 90’s.  The trick is starting as soon as possible, involving parents in their own future choices.

This invaluable program will provide insight, expertise and guidance for family members trying to develop comprehensive holistic life plans to help their parents age successfully and be prepared for future challenges.


A Roadmap for Solo Seniors

One to two hours

 Millions of solo agers find themselves facing the challenges that come with aging alone. Whether they have become single, chose to be single, never had children, or have children they cannot depend on, the challenges are real and can be daunting.  This presentation focuses on the secrets of aging successfully with special emphasis on addressing what attendees can do now to be prepared as a solo ager.

Having a flexible plan is the most important key to aging successfully. It is critical to be proactive before you need to make decisions that are uninformed and in a panic.  As an Aging Life Care Specialist with 25 years’ experience in guiding seniors, Star will share her expertise with your registrants. Star is down to earth, humorous and persuasive. In this lively program, she will help your audience to realize this important truth; the decisions made today will determine future successes and continued independence!


Making Sense of Senior Living – decoding the alphabet soup of Senior Care; CCRC, IL, AL, ADL…

One to two hours

-Find The Senior Living Options That Will Work Best for You and Your Family

-Evaluating the choices

Should I stay in my home? Move closer to adult kids? Relocate to a retirement community? This workshop will outline the pluses and minuses of these various options and look at the differences between various retirement communities including full service and life care communities. What to look for in a top notch assisted living facility, and how assisted living is vastly different from skilled care. It will also review aging in place in your home; how to plan for this to ensure success! Costs for all these options will also be discussed. This hour and a half workshop is designed to help you start exploring your options and develop a plan for the future or help formulate a plan for your parents.


Long Distance Care Giving: How to Make the Impossible Possible

One to two hours

This hour and a half workshop is for anyone who already is, or anticipates they will be, a long-distance care giver. We will review all the steps you can take to be prepared for the inevitable if you live far from your aging parents and they do not want or can’t relocate closer to you, or you to them.  I will walk you through a list of steps to take that will have you far better prepared when (not if) an emergency situation arises, or you have to make quick decisions due to a medical emergency. We will look at how to find the resources you need now or will need in the future to ensure you loved one gets good quality care in their home or in their community. We will also discuss the latest technological advances you can utilize long distance that is the next best thing to being there!



A Deep Dive into Life Care Retirement Communities: Are They Worth the High Cost?

One to two hours

-What is the advantage of A LIFE CARE COMMUNITY?

This workshop if for anyone thinking about moving to a Continuing Care Retirement Community. There are as many different contracts within the life care world as there are varieties of apples!  Many are similar but there are huge variations. We will go over some industry definitions of what is a Type A, B, or C contract and how you can be sure you ask the right questions of ANY community you are considering. This workshop will give you the confidence of knowing you will have every advantage that an industry insider will share with you and most importantly, the right questions to ask as a potential resident!


Having “The Conversation:” How to Discuss End of Life Issues with Your Parents

One to two hours

-How to have “The Conversation.

-Best approaches for broaching this critical conversation

This one-hour workshop will give you concrete tools to having a very difficult discussion with your parents. How do you find out what their end-of-life wishes are? Have they completed a Living Will or assigned a Health Care surrogate? What if everyone in the family does not agree?  You can’t wait for a crisis to try and talk with someone already hospitalized. This workshop will discuss ways to open the door to having this conversation that is non-confrontational, and how to involve other family members so there is consensus before an emergency or medical crisis.


Memory Loss: Preparing for What May Come

One to two hours

-Being Prepared for a Diagnosis of Dementia

-What do you do when your loved one can no longer remember?

Nobody ever wants to imagine that they or their loved ones will experience severe memory loss. But the statistics are sobering. What are the red flags to look for? If you knew there were steps you could take to be prepared or steps you can take with an early-stage diagnosis, you would not hesitate. This workshop will lay out a systematic approach to doing what you can now to be prepared should the diagnosis ever happen to you or a loved one. This workshop covers critical medical and financial information   as well as questions relating to incapacitation. What options should a family consider for the future if a worsening diagnosis is anticipated?