
Learn about the benefits of using our services


Are you confused or overwhelmed by senior care issues for yourself or for a loved one?

Help is available right here.

You want to make informed decisions, but you don’t know where to turn to get the answers you need or how to make the best decisions for yourself or a loved one. The options can be overwhelming!

As a certified Aging Live Care Specialist with 25 years’ experience, I can provide you and your family with expert advice and guidance as you make lifestyle decisions for your own future or the health, happiness, and well-being of your parent. 

I can help you with:

  • How to make the best, comprehensive plan for yourself or your parents
  • How to put together the right medical, financial and legal documents to make care easier going forward. (Note: Star is not an attorney and does not sell legal services)
  • What to do to manage a sudden medical crisis or major health change
  • How to choose the right retirement community, assisted living, long term care facility, or life care community
  • Review any contract for any community or long term care insurance
  • Strategies for managing long distance care giving
  • Guidelines for hiring the right home care or home health care


  • Accurate, clear-headed assessment of your parent’s real needs
  • Help you to develop workable, feasible short and long-term care plans
  • Get you the most honest, ethical, compassionate in-home support services
  • Carefully evaluate and recommend senior living or care communities to help you choose the right place for your loved one
  • Provide crisis intervention if you need to make the best decisions quickly


  • Provide realistic, proven strategies to help you maintain your independence as long as possible
  • Insight and guidance into planning for successful aging
  • Explain and evaluate your options for now and future scenarios
  • Help you gather, review or prepare the critical medical and financial   documents that will ensure your wishes are carried out
  • Provide transition support for relocation or those going into greater levels of care
  • Quick, careful solutions to help you care for a suddenly sick spouse or partner

Aging successfully requires a plan.

Failing to plan is planning to fail – and a lot more stressful on all parties.

Just $125 for one hour of help, guidance and support

I promise a full refund after our first hour if you are not satisfied.

How this works:

  1. Choose an appointment time that works for you (see available hours on calendar)
  2. Make sure to fill out a brief description of your situation or concerns at least 48 hours prior to our conversation
  3. You will receive both a confirmation of your payment and appointment through my website as well as a personal email from me

Most appointments are through zoom. If you are local and prefer in person, let me know. I require Covid testing prior to in person meetings. You may invite up to three family members to the consulting call. If you do not feel the call was worth it, I will not accept payment. I do not transfer your payment until after our call.  If you cancel with no notice and do not reschedule, a 50% payment is expected.