Answer the following questions. Each “YES” is worth five points. Total your points to see your score and evaluate how prepared you are.
- I have completed a Living Will
- I have appointed a Health Care Proxy or Surrogate
- I have completed a Will or Trust
- I have appointed a Power of Attorney
- I have given these documents to my (5 points each)
- Doctor
- Health Care Proxy
- Personal Representative
- Hospital
- Family Members
- I keep copies of these documents in my car and when I travel
- I have left clear concise instructions on my end of life wishes and communicated these to my family
- I have left clear concise instructions on where to find critical financial documents
- I have copies of my Medicare Card, Supplemental Insurance Card, Social Security Cards and given to my Health Care Proxy
- I have a list of all my medications in the freezer (Vial of Life) or clearly displayed in my kitchen
- I have an up to date list of who to notify if I have an unplanned emergency trip to the hospital, with current phone numbers
- I know where my long-term care insurance policy is and exactly what it covers (if applicable)
- I have an emergency Pet Plan (if applicable)
- My spouse/partner can access my digital passwords
- I have scanned all important documents to a digital file or to the Cloud
- I have made modifications to my home to age safely in place
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