June 15th was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

June 15th was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!


Do you ever read those awful stories about elders getting scammed and think it could never happen to me? Think again. More than one in ten adults over the age of 65 have been the victim of a scam. While elder abuse can take many forms, it is the financial loss that is so alarming. According to the latest AARP report, $28.3 Billion is stolen from US adults over 60.  And this does not include the estimated 87.5% of adults who are victimized by someone they know and never report it!! Be pro-active, be on guard, and be alert. If you know you need help, designate someone you really trust to help you with financial decisions. Don’t give only one family member control or access, no matter how much you may trust them.  Make sure at least one other person (family or trusted advisor/friend) is aware of all transactions. List your trusted person as a contact with your bank; someone they can alert if they see suspicious activity or large withdrawals going overseas.

Read full article: https://press.aarp.org/2023-06-15-AARP-Report-Finds-28-Billion-a-Year-is-Stolen-from-US-Adults-Over-60


There is a great deal of research being done on changes in the aging brain that interfere with one’s ability to distinguish truth from lies. Apparently, this is different from some types of cognitive impairment, and scientists are trying to find out exactly what contributes to these changes. You may know of friends who have fallen prey to romance scams (one of the worst) or lottery scams, and yet they do not appear to have any other cognitive impairment. Here are two links with some of the latest research:




Financial Apps to help prevent Financial Abuse

There are now several apps that will help prevent financial exploitation. These are only two I know of but there are many to choose from!


Get Careful:

“Careful’s technology helps families and professionals protect the financial accounts of older adults by monitoring them for possible late or missed payments, changes in spending patterns or behavior, unusual transactions or signs of fraud. It alerts financial caregivers to issues that may be problems, then helps them coordinate with family members, work together to resolve them and plan the path forward.”

They are not expensive, have monthly fees, and provide money protection (theft insurance), bill organizing, identity and credit monitoring, home title monitoring, document and password storage, and secure sharing of financial information.

Their website is: https://getcarefull.com/


Silver Bills:

This company is ideal for any senior who does not wish to involve anyone else in their finances (or who has no one) but still recognizes they need help. If you don’t like apps and may not be technologically savvy, this is a one-to-one concierge service that will assign you a knowledgeable and trustworthy dedicated account manager who will assist you with paying bills. You can call them on your phone, and you do not necessarily need to even use a computer. Also good for a trusted caregiver or spouse who prefers the one-to-one help!

Their website is:    https://silverbills.com or call them at 800-825-1924



June is Audiobook Appreciation Month!   Buy my book for only $12.50!

Do you like to listen to your books while you walk? Do you have family members or adult kids who love to listen to books? You can take advantage of this BIG  50% discount before the end of June and order your audio version of my new book now!

Successfully Navigating Your Parents Senior Years! Here is the link:



My book is available on all major websites and discounts for multiple books are available from Porchlights books or my publisher.


If you have read the book and would like to write a review, I would be extremely grateful! If you’re willing, go to my Amazon book page, https://www.amazon.com/Successfully-Navigating-Parents-Senior-Years/dp/1637742479  and scroll way down until you see “Customer Reviews” and “Review this product,” just beneath this. You do not have to have purchased the book from Amazon to write a review! My agent keeps telling me how important it is to have more than a handful of reviews. Please take just a few minutes to write an honest review!



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